Whew! That was a long break from blogland! How've ya been? :) I have had problem after problem with my camera issues, but at least I have something that will work for now.
So, I have so much going on right now, but I really want to get back to blogging on a regular basis. So.... I decided to do a little give-away to get things moving in the right direction! I have started making vintage style rose hairclips. Each one is handmade and put together piece by piece. The center is swarovski crystal and pearls. I have hairclips, headbands, bib necklaces and more.
~The Deal~
All you have to do to enter is comment! That's it! Just let me know you stopped in for a visit, and your name will be entered. If you want extra chances to win, here's how to do it. 1.Blog about this giveaway and you'll get 20 extra chances. 2.Put it on your facebook status or twitter and you'll get 10. Make sure to let me know about it! 3. Comment once a day, and I'll add your name in an extra two times per day. 4. And finally, an entry for every dollar spent now through Thurs. I'll choose the winner by random number on Friday.
~What you'll win~
1. a vintage, handcrafted, rose hair clip or rose bib necklace.
2. a vintage button necklace pendant made from an antique carved button with swarovski crystals added. Comes on a silverplate chain in a decorative tin.
3. A Sugarbelle's Boutique AnnaBanana Ring(made from recycled materials)
4. (your choice)A tin of my favorite tea-French Creme Brulee` or Zhena's Gypsy Tea.
5.A hand tea-dyed canvas tote bag embellished with vintage finds and ribbons.
6. A surprise little extra from me.
I'm super excited about this, so let's make it good! I have several new items I'll be adding over the next few days, so any comment on any post between now and then will work.
p.s. Just click the boxes below to share. It's super easy!
This is a great idea and....WELCOME BACK!!!
Leiann Neubauer
You have some beautiful jewelry designs.....Glad you are back
Lori, your designs are lovely and unique. My daughers-in-law are going to LOVE the designs you did for them for Christmas. I can hardly wait to give them to them. And I love that they are one-of-a-kind creations. Thank you!
Please remember to include your name if your posting as anonymous! Thanks! :)
Sooooooo beautiful!!! I love looking at all your creations! I'm still pining away for a charm bracelet with all my kiddo's names on it. Have to figure out a name for this one first!
Shannon Mallory : )
Welcome back.... Love ya!!
Hey Lori, Wish me luck! I hope this is the right place to enter! Hugs!!! ~Shana
Heureuse de vous voir de retour... Have a nice day!
I love your new designs! So beautiful!
I love looking at your new designs, they are perfectly vintage and fun. :)
I had to share this on facebook, so that my other friends could see your handy work.
God Bless,
I hope that I win the tiara for my little princess girl!! I posted your info to my facebook friends!
So sorry! Tiara's not included in the give-away! The list is included on the post. Sorry!! :(
Please enter me!
Tanya Harper
love your items.
Susan Jenks
I too am saving for the charm braclet with the kids pictures and birth dates.Jennifer Wait
I LOVE the "Victorian" roses! So, so pretty!!!! I would have loved to live back then. :O) ~Shana
I'm not sure what is the prettiest, the oj ring (thanks for the directions!). Or the beautiful vintage rose. You just have a wonderful "FLAIR" that is hard to match! Your blog is beautiful! Welcome back!
I am so excited to receive my bracelet. I posted a link for the sweet rings to my facebook friends. Such a fun business for a little girl!!! Shana Baker
Welcome back!
Thanks for the chance!!!
smilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com
You do fantastic designs. They are unique. Welcome back!!!!! Pam Keeton
daily entry
Thanks for the chance!!
smilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com
What beautiful things you have created. I especially love the music themed necklace, love the vintage sheet music used.
I am following you on twitter...I am @madonnacramer
madonnacramer at msn dot com
I am following your site with Google Friend Connect.
madonnacramer at msn dot com
I shared your site on my facebook wall I am Madonna Cramer
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