I have always wanted to play the violin. I actually have one that my sweet Daddy bought me. One of my "to do's" is to learn to play the violin one day. I guess that was my inspiration behind my little "Violin Church." It's so small and dainty.It's 4" tall at the steeple and 3" long. The inner dimensions to hold things is 2.5"x 1.5" I actually designed it to hold votive candles, then realized I made it a tiny bit too small to fit the battery operated votive candle.{insert disappointed look here}So, on to plan b. I went and got my business cards, and oila!- They fit! Cute for sure. Anybody have any other ideas? I thought it could hold rings, tea bags, sugar packets, miniature flower vase, a roll of stamps(cute on a desk),stash of hershey's kisses, post it notes...
The sheet music is from the late 1800's and the tattered lace on the front is antique.
I'd love to hear what you would use it for?

Next up is my purebred dog jewelry. I can make any pet you like as a custom order. As of right now, I have about 20 different breeds. Just email me what dog or cat you have, or email me a picture of your own pet, and I can make you a special piece to wear. Rhinestones and crystals can be added to any design if you prefer. It can also be color, or black and white. It comes on a ball chain or ribbon, your choice.
Have a wonderful week!
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