We've been at it again with our quick trips to Europe. This time we visited Bath, England. It was sooo beautiful! We were there for only 2 full days but saw soo much. The true highlight was the Jane Austen Centre! I had no idea we would be going when I posted about my idea for Jane Austen themed jewelry. Thank you to all of you who encouraged my ideas on that. I did get to speak with the shopkeeper there who may be interested in my ideas too! I'm thrilled! I will show them when I have them ready. Bath is a magnificent city! We toured the Roman baths, Sydney Gardens(Jane Austens favorite park)Sally Lunn's, great museums, Pulteney Bridge shops and garden and more. It was our favorite trip so far. I thought I'd share some pictures of our trip here with you.
Oh Lori,
Beautiful Bath - how blessed you are to have visited... Thank you for sharing ;)
Happy weekend!
Lori, what beautiful pictures you took! It looks like you had an amazing time there. Thanks for sharing w/ us.
Hugs, :)
You are such a jet-setting gal!!! Looks like you had a fabulous romantic get away. I can't wait to see some of your Jane Austin Themed jewelry!!
Wish you could have been to the play too!! Next time we go I will let you know. I get free tickets and the more the merrier!! Did you notice I had the necklace you made for me on? It matched my dress so well. It also matched my bridesmaid dress at the wedding I was in this weekend!
Love ya!!
OOOH gawsh! You've done joined WTW... and jetted off to a wonderful place since my last visit! you go girl!
{my computer is giving my fits..that's why I haven't logged in to WTW}
I would loove to visit England.
hey... email what you'd like for your etsy shop!
Hope you are having a wonderful week..thanks for stoppin' by.
How fascinating Lori!
I know you must of had a blast.
What a treat to get to fly over for a day or two or three!!
Take me in your suitcase next time!! LOL
I want to see proof of you being there though! hahaha Where are all the pics of you??
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